Saturday, December 8, 2012

Frozen Hot Chocolate

Hi everyone! Happy 4th Sweet Saturday before Santa arrives. Is your shopping done? I still have a few things to grab. I should probably be out today, facing the crowds and finishing up. Nah! I'd rather be in the kitchen fixing something sweet to share with you. That is exactly what I did. I feel like today's sweet treat would be something served at the North know, where Santa lives :).
The Santa Clause 

He is drinking hot chocolate but they might also serve...

Frozen Hot Chocolate

3oz of chocolate
2 tsp store bought hot chocolate mix
1 1/2 tsp sugar
1 1/2 cups milk
3 cups ice

Place the chocolate in the top of a double broiler over simmering water.

Once melted add the cocoa mix and sugar. Mix to combined and remove from heat.
Slowly add a 1/2 cup of milk. Stir to combined all ingredients and let cool to room temperature. 
Once cooled, add the remaining cup of milk and the chocolate mixture to a blender with 3 cups of ice.
Blend and serve in a glass topped with whipped cream and Christmas sprinkles of course!   
Sip in front of the Christmas tree...possibly wrapped in a's a cold one :)
Here is what I did with the dog bone cinnamon ornaments from last week.
Great simple gifts for all our puppy loves :).

Happy Sweet Tooth Saturday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As warm and crazy as this weather is, maybe frozen hot chocolate will be a must this season!