Saturday, February 8, 2014

Healthy Cookies

Hi Everyone!
Just so you know the subject line is not a joke. I am so excited to share this recipe with you today.  We all would like for baked goods to be healthy from now and then right? So we don't feel as guilty eating them. Well these cookies couldn't get any better. Plus they are so simple.


2 Bananas
1 cup of quick oats
*additions of your choice

~This will make 12 cookies.

Mash the bananas, mix in the oats. Then add what ever additions you want. I split the "batter" and added chocolate chips to half and a little cinnamon and raisins to the other half.  No flour or sugar. See I told you they were healthy :).

Bake at 350 for 15 mins.

Done! That's it. They are soooo good and pretty good for you too. The options are endless for additions. I may try to add a little peanut butter with the chocolate chips next time. mmmm yum yum yum.

I hope you try these. They are fun and simple.

Happy Sweet Tooth Saturday!

1 comment:

Terry Gardner said...

I will have to give these a try. Healthy cookies can't be beat.